Top 3 Gyms Senopati to Get a Six Pack in 10 Weeks

 In Life Hacks in Jakarta

We provide you our ranking of the top 3 gyms near Senopati and how much the membership costs.


Rank #1 : F45 Senopati North

Membership price : between Rp 1.100.000 and Rp 2.000.000 million per month for the unlimited pass (depending on which promo you get)


Rank #2 : Cross Fit Bengkel

Membership price : between Rp 1.000.000 and Rp 2.000.000 (depending on how many months in advance)


Rank #3 : Empire Fit

Membership price : between Rp 800.000 and Rp 1.800.000 (depending on which promo you sign up)


Since these gyms are near Senopati are so amazing, doesn’t it make sense to live as close to them as possible?


Learn more about one of the most well-located apartments in Jakarta, only 5 minutes by car from the #1 ranked F45 Senopati North.


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